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Aspiring Entrepreneur

"I believe that when you take the leap to command your own ship, and you're pursuing something that you love, something that lights your fire, the universe puts opportunities in front of you - again and again and again, that lead you in the right direction.  Essentially, the path appears before you as you walk it - because you're aligned with your purpose.  And, because you're so deeply, and intuitively connected and aligned with what you are doing, it rarely, if ever, feels like work.  Your days feel like exactly what you are supposed to be doing at exactly the right time and exactly the right place."

If you ever feel like...

Something's missing...
I just can't do this anymore.
I have a great idea, but I'm not sure where to begin.


Aspiring Entrepreneurs is a guided coaching program where I work with you to understand where you are now and your unique situation,  was built especially, and exactly, FOR YOU.  Come on in.

Aspiring Entrepreneurs is a digital course and community built and offered for people who want to leave traditional work/jobs/the dread/the grind behind, to find, reveal and realize a life and career that is aligned with your passions, interests and skills which, when you're doing it, makes you feel happy, excited, invigorated and fulfilled every single day.


Yes, we do believe it is possible to find this.  And yes, we have done it ourselves.  No matter what it is that you love and you're good at, no matter how obscure or unique it feels or seems, we know you can turn it into something that not only supports you financially, but emotionally, physically and any of the other -ly's you can think of.


TL.Authentic's Aspiring Entrepreneurs stands by your side while you leave the dreambashers in the rearview mirror. We help you uncover what you love, and what you're good at, working with you to bring those ideas and skills forward.  Then, we turn all of that beauty and goodness into a real, live, breathing, brand and business.​

Here's how it works:

Aspiring Entrepreneurs is an 8-week course held online plus a private FB community. 

  • We meet once per week over Zoom.

  • Each week we discuss a topic, you read a bit and do some homework. You also connect and chat with fellow aspiring entrepreneurs between meetings in the Facebook group.

  • During our weekly calls, we discuss what you developed from the homework, and then we progress into the next topic.

  • If you attend weekly and complete the reading and the homework, by the completion of week 8, you should be ready to launch your business - either immediately, or when it works best for you.

  • Upon graduation from the course, you join our private Facebook community of Thriving Entrepreneurs and you launch, grow and love your new business and life!

Ready to Get Started?

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